VIDEO: Flavour – Virtuous Woman

2nite Entertainment spotlight act, Flavour, just dropped his fifth studio album titled ‘Ijele – The Traveler‘.

Not resting any bit on his oars, Flavour has unlocked the Sesan-directed visual to Virtuous Woman – the album’s opening track. This new release comes in barely 24 hours after Baby Na Yoka, the first of video projects off the LP was dropped.

While rumour has it that the track was dedicated to the woman after his heart (and very first of his baby mamas), Sandra Okagbue, the acoustic R&B/gospel influenced tune was interpreted into picture using a mellow religious theme you’ll certainly come to love.

Watch Video Below:-

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for sharing the video that is not only interesting but worth to watch also. I would like to watch the complete album.
    Emma Charlotte |


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