Music: SWEET WORDS - FUNBOI (@funboi_bigbase)

Sensational Afro Pop singer 'Funboi' real name Ayokunle Ogunnaike, is one of the very few in Northern Nigeria still keeping it real. He is a student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
The massive success of his previous Single 'Jailer' and also his hit collaboration with rapper 'Dynamite' in 'SAMBA' has set his part in the Music Industry, Singed on a Management deal with Big Base Entertainment, FUNBOI is here again to serenade our souls with anther single Titled SWEET WORDS. Produced by Crock City's Ace producer TOMJAY. Download, enjoy and share your thought

Twitter: - @korrectnaija
BBM channel - C002317AD

1 comment:

  1. Awesome song!!! When is the video coming out


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